2020-03-04 02:00 | :wrench: Update LED values for competition | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +7 | -3 |
2020-02-28 06:12 | :sparkles: Add LED output for temperature ranges | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +21 | -2 |
2020-02-28 01:09 | :sparkles: Replace fahrenheit output with potential volts | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +23 | -13 |
2020-02-27 23:22 | :bug: Fix bug causing characters to not be overwritten leading to extraneous Cs | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +1 | -0 |
2020-02-22 04:05 | :zap: Increase speed by reducing sample size by 80% | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +1 | -1 |
2020-02-21 22:22 | :sparkles: Add multiple thermistor averaging to keep temperature consistent | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +13 | -8 |
2020-02-21 19:38 | :wrench: Change value of resistor ohms to match new component | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +1 | -1 |
2020-02-20 21:45 | :pencil2: Add units to printed temperatures | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +2 | -2 |
2020-02-20 21:42 | :fire: Remove RoughDraft deletion conflicts | therealFIGBERT | 0 | +0 | -0 |
2020-02-20 07:14 | :sparkles: Add functional temperature sensor script | therealFIGBERT | 2 | +47 | -24 |
2020-02-20 07:14 | :heavy_plus_sign: Change LCD library to hd44780 Extensible | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +7 | -10 |
2020-02-20 06:26 | Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/therealFIGBERT/sci-oly-detector-building | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +2 | -2 |
2020-02-20 06:25 | :bug: Fix LCD test | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +28 | -14 |
2020-02-18 21:34 | :art: Make float a string | Jacob Neplokh | 1 | +2 | -2 |
2020-02-18 21:22 | :sparkles: Add rough draft of final code | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +24 | -0 |
2020-02-18 21:19 | Update ThermistorDemo.ino | Jacob Neplokh | 1 | +48 | -25 |
2020-02-18 21:04 | :see_no_evil: Add .vscode to gitignore | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +1 | -0 |
2020-02-18 20:59 | :sparkles: Add ThermistorDemo Code | Jacob Neplokh | 1 | +28 | -0 |
2020-02-15 03:28 | Delete Test.md | Jacob Neplokh | 1 | +0 | -2 |
2020-02-15 03:27 | Create Test.md | Jacob Neplokh | 1 | +2 | -0 |
2020-02-15 03:11 | :page_facing_up: Add license to the repo | therealFIGBERT | 1 | +660 | -0 |
2020-02-15 02:58 | :tada: Initial commit | therealFIGBERT | 4 | +83 | -0 |