commit 01994d7a0af04f83cef32b86a2d2d2d525200ea0
parent 5745c430d10a86c7315c1ec173550bd4fe2245ea
Author: FIGBERT <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 23:36:06 -0700
Remove unused code
10 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 976 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cli/cli.go b/cli/cli.go
@@ -26,26 +26,3 @@ func Less(input string) {
-func WrapLess(input string) *exec.Cmd {
- command := exec.Command("less",
- "--pattern="+unicode.ZeroWidthSpace,
- "--ignore-case",
- "--tilde",
- "--use-color",
- "-P?e"+"\u001B[48;5;234m "+"\u001B[38;5;200m"+"E"+"\u001B[38;5;214m"+"n"+"\u001B[38;5;69m"+"d "+"\033[0m",
- "-DSy",
- "-DP-")
- command.Stdin = strings.NewReader(input)
- command.Stdout = os.Stdout
- return command
-func ClearScreen() {
- c := exec.Command("clear")
- c.Stdout = os.Stdout
- _ = c.Run()
diff --git a/comment/comment.go b/comment/comment.go
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-package comment
-import (
- "strings"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- text ""
-const (
- reset = "\033[0m"
- dimmed = "\033[2m"
- italic = "\033[3m"
-type comment struct {
- sections []*section
-type section struct {
- isCodeBlock bool
- isQuote bool
- content string
-func Print(c string, config *settings.Config, commentWidth int, availableScreenWidth int) string {
- if c == "[deleted]" {
- return aurora.Faint(c).String()
- }
- c = strings.Replace(c, "<p>", "", 1)
- c = strings.ReplaceAll(c, "\n</code></pre>\n", "<p>")
- paragraphs := strings.Split(c, "<p>")
- comment := new(comment)
- comment.sections = make([]*section, len(paragraphs))
- for i, paragraph := range paragraphs {
- s := new(section)
- s.content = syntax.ReplaceCharacters(paragraph)
- if strings.Contains(s.content, "<pre><code>") {
- s.isCodeBlock = true
- }
- if isQuote(s.content) {
- s.isQuote = true
- }
- comment.sections[i] = s
- }
- output := ""
- for i, s := range comment.sections {
- paragraph := s.content
- switch {
- case s.isQuote:
- paragraph = strings.ReplaceAll(paragraph, "<i>", "")
- paragraph = strings.ReplaceAll(paragraph, "</i>", "")
- paragraph = strings.ReplaceAll(paragraph, "</a>", reset+dimmed+italic)
- paragraph = syntax.ReplaceSymbols(paragraph)
- paragraph = replaceSmileys(paragraph, config.EmojiSmileys)
- paragraph = strings.Replace(paragraph, ">>", "", 1)
- paragraph = strings.Replace(paragraph, ">", "", 1)
- paragraph = strings.TrimLeft(paragraph, " ")
- paragraph = syntax.TrimURLs(paragraph, false)
- paragraph = syntax.RemoveUnwantedNewLines(paragraph)
- paragraph = syntax.RemoveUnwantedWhitespace(paragraph)
- paragraph = italic + dimmed + paragraph + reset
- quoteIndent := " " + config.IndentationSymbol
- padding := text.WrapPad(dimmed + quoteIndent)
- wrappedAndPaddedComment, _ := text.Wrap(paragraph, commentWidth, padding)
- paragraph = wrappedAndPaddedComment
- case s.isCodeBlock:
- paragraph = syntax.ReplaceHTML(paragraph)
- wrappedComment, _ := text.Wrap(paragraph, availableScreenWidth)
- codeLines := strings.Split(wrappedComment, "\n")
- formattedCodeLines := ""
- for j, codeLine := range codeLines {
- isOnLastLine := j == len(codeLines)-1
- if isOnLastLine {
- formattedCodeLines += dimmed + codeLine + reset
- break
- }
- formattedCodeLines += dimmed + codeLine + reset + "\n"
- }
- paragraph = formattedCodeLines
- default:
- paragraph = syntax.ReplaceSymbols(paragraph)
- paragraph = replaceSmileys(paragraph, config.EmojiSmileys)
- paragraph = syntax.ReplaceHTML(paragraph)
- paragraph = strings.TrimLeft(paragraph, " ")
- paragraph = highlightCommentSyntax(paragraph, config.HighlightComments, config.EnableNerdFonts)
- paragraph = syntax.TrimURLs(paragraph, config.HighlightComments)
- paragraph = syntax.RemoveUnwantedNewLines(paragraph)
- paragraph = syntax.RemoveUnwantedWhitespace(paragraph)
- wrappedAndPaddedComment, _ := text.Wrap(paragraph, commentWidth)
- paragraph = wrappedAndPaddedComment
- }
- separator := getParagraphSeparator(i, len(comment.sections))
- output += paragraph + separator
- }
- return output
-func replaceSmileys(paragraph string, emojiSmiley bool) string {
- if !emojiSmiley {
- return paragraph
- }
- paragraph = syntax.ConvertSmileys(paragraph)
- return paragraph
-func isQuote(text string) bool {
- quoteMark := ">"
- return strings.HasPrefix(text, quoteMark) ||
- strings.HasPrefix(text, " "+quoteMark) ||
- strings.HasPrefix(text, "<i>"+quoteMark) ||
- strings.HasPrefix(text, "<i> "+quoteMark)
-func getParagraphSeparator(index int, sliceLength int) string {
- isAtLastParagraph := index == sliceLength-1
- if isAtLastParagraph {
- return ""
- }
- return "\n\n"
-func highlightCommentSyntax(input string, commentHighlighting bool, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- if !commentHighlighting {
- return input
- }
- input = syntax.HighlightBackticks(input)
- input = syntax.HighlightMentions(input)
- input = syntax.HighlightVariables(input)
- input = syntax.HighlightAbbreviations(input)
- input = syntax.HighlightReferences(input)
- input = syntax.HighlightYCStartupsInHeadlines(input, syntax.Unselected, enableNerdFonts)
- return input
diff --git a/constants/nerdfonts/nerdfonts.go b/constants/nerdfonts/nerdfonts.go
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package nerdfonts
-const (
- Time = ""
- Author = ""
- Score = "ﰵ"
- Comment = ""
- Tag = ""
diff --git a/constants/style/style.go b/constants/style/style.go
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-package style
-import (
- ""
- ""
-const (
- magentaDark = "200"
- yellowDark = "214"
- blueDark = "33"
- pinkDark = "219"
- orange = "214"
- orangeFaint = "94"
- logoBgDark = "#0f1429"
- headerBgDark = "#2d3454"
- unselectedItemFgDark = "247"
- paginatorBgDark = logoBgDark
- selectedPageFgDark = unselectedItemFgDark
- unselectedPageFgDark = "239"
- magentaLight = magentaDark
- yellowLight = "208"
- blueLight = blueDark
- pinkLight = pinkDark
- logoBgLight = "252"
- headerBgLight = "254"
- unselectedItemFgLight = "235"
- paginatorBgLight = logoBgLight
- selectedPageFgLight = unselectedItemFgLight
- unselectedPageFgLight = "247"
-func GetMagenta() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: magentaLight, Dark: magentaDark}
-func GetYellow() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: yellowLight, Dark: yellowDark}
-func GetBlue() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: blueLight, Dark: blueDark}
-func GetPink() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: pinkLight, Dark: pinkDark}
-func GetOrange() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: orange, Dark: orange}
-func GetOrangeFaint() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: orangeFaint, Dark: orangeFaint}
-func GetLogoBg() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: logoBgLight, Dark: logoBgDark}
-func GetHeaderBg() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- profile := termenv.ColorProfile()
- if profile != termenv.TrueColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: headerBgLight, Dark: "237"}
- }
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: headerBgLight, Dark: headerBgDark}
-func GetStatusBarBg() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return GetHeaderBg()
-func GetPaginatorBg() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: paginatorBgLight, Dark: paginatorBgDark}
-func GetUnselectedItemFg() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: unselectedItemFgLight, Dark: unselectedItemFgDark}
-func GetSelectedPageFg() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: selectedPageFgLight, Dark: selectedPageFgDark}
-func GetUnselectedPageFg() lipgloss.TerminalColor {
- return lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: unselectedPageFgLight, Dark: unselectedPageFgDark}
diff --git a/item/item.go b/item/item.go
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package item
-type Item struct {
- ID int
- Title string
- Points int
- User string
- Time int64
- TimeAgo string
- Type string
- URL string
- Level int
- Domain string
- Comments []*Item
- Content string
- CommentsCount int
diff --git a/markdown/postprocessor/postprocessor.go b/markdown/postprocessor/postprocessor.go
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ import (
- ""
t ""
+ terminal ""
const (
@@ -30,9 +31,13 @@ func moveZeroWidthSpaceUpOneLine(text string) string {
func indent(commentSection string) string {
indentBlock := strings.Repeat(" ", margins.ReaderViewLeftMargin)
- screenWidth := screen.GetTerminalWidth()
- indentedCommentSection, _ := t.WrapWithPad(commentSection, screenWidth, indentBlock)
+ width, err := terminal.Width()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("Could not determine terminal width")
+ }
+ indentedCommentSection, _ := t.WrapWithPad(commentSection, int(width), indentBlock)
return indentedCommentSection
diff --git a/meta/meta.go b/meta/meta.go
@@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
package meta
import (
- "fmt"
- "strconv"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
text ""
@@ -38,135 +29,3 @@ func GetReaderModeMetaBlock(title string, url string, lineWidth int) string {
return formattedTitle + newParagraph + style.Render(formattedURL+info) + newParagraph
-func GetCommentSectionMetaBlock(c *item.Item, config *settings.Config, newComments int) string {
- columnWidth := config.CommentWidth/2 - 1
- url := getURL(c.URL, c.Domain, config.CommentWidth)
- rootComment := parseRootComment(c.Content, config)
- style := lipgloss.NewStyle().
- BorderStyle(lipgloss.RoundedBorder()).
- PaddingLeft(1).
- PaddingRight(1).
- Width(config.CommentWidth)
- leftColumn := lipgloss.NewStyle().
- Width(columnWidth).
- Align(lipgloss.Left)
- leftColumnText := getAuthor(c.User, config.EnableNerdFonts) + " " + Faint(c.TimeAgo).String() + newLine +
- getComments(c.CommentsCount, config.EnableNerdFonts) + getNewCommentsInfo(newComments, config.EnableNerdFonts)
- rightColumn := lipgloss.NewStyle().
- Width(columnWidth).
- Align(lipgloss.Right)
- rightColumnText := getID(c.ID, config.EnableNerdFonts) + newLine +
- getScore(c.Points, config.EnableNerdFonts)
- joined := lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Left, leftColumn.Render(leftColumnText),
- rightColumn.Render(rightColumnText))
- return getHeadline(c.Title, config) + newParagraph + style.Render(url+joined+rootComment)
-func getAuthor(author string, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- if enableNerdFonts {
- authorLabel := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", nerdfonts.Author, author)
- return Red(authorLabel).String()
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("by %s", Red(author).String())
-func getComments(commentsCount int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- comments := strconv.Itoa(commentsCount)
- if enableNerdFonts {
- commentsLabel := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", nerdfonts.Comment, comments)
- return Magenta(commentsLabel).String()
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s comments", Magenta(comments).String())
-func getScore(points int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- score := strconv.Itoa(points)
- if enableNerdFonts {
- pointsLabel := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", score, nerdfonts.Score)
- return Yellow(pointsLabel).String()
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s points", Yellow(score).String())
-func getID(id int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- if enableNerdFonts {
- idLabel := fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", id, nerdfonts.Tag)
- return Green(idLabel).Faint().String()
- }
- idLabel := fmt.Sprintf("ID %d", id)
- return Green(idLabel).Faint().String()
-func getNewCommentsInfo(newComments int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- if newComments == 0 {
- return ""
- }
- comments := strconv.Itoa(newComments)
- if enableNerdFonts {
- return fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", Cyan(comments).String())
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf(" (%s new)", Cyan(comments).String())
-func getHeadline(title string, config *settings.Config) string {
- formattedTitle := highlightTitle(unicode.ZeroWidthSpace+" "+newLine+title, config.HighlightHeadlines,
- config.EnableNerdFonts)
- wrappedHeadline, _ := text.Wrap(formattedTitle, config.CommentWidth)
- return wrappedHeadline
-func highlightTitle(title string, highlightHeadlines bool, enableNerdFont bool) string {
- highlightedTitle := title
- if highlightHeadlines {
- highlightedTitle = syntax.HighlightYCStartupsInHeadlines(highlightedTitle, syntax.HeadlineInCommentSection, enableNerdFont)
- highlightedTitle = syntax.HighlightYear(highlightedTitle, syntax.HeadlineInCommentSection, enableNerdFont)
- highlightedTitle = syntax.HighlightHackerNewsHeadlines(highlightedTitle, syntax.HeadlineInCommentSection)
- highlightedTitle = syntax.HighlightSpecialContent(highlightedTitle, syntax.HeadlineInCommentSection, enableNerdFont)
- }
- return Bold(highlightedTitle).String()
-func getURL(url string, domain string, lineWidth int) string {
- if domain == "" {
- return ""
- }
- truncatedURL := text.TruncateMax(url, lineWidth-2)
- formattedURL := Blue(truncatedURL).String() + newLine
- return formattedURL + newLine
-func parseRootComment(c string, config *settings.Config) string {
- if c == "" {
- return ""
- }
- rootComment := comment.Print(c, config, config.CommentWidth-2, config.CommentWidth)
- wrappedComment, _ := text.Wrap(rootComment, config.CommentWidth-2)
- return newParagraph + wrappedComment
diff --git a/screen/screen.go b/screen/screen.go
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package screen
-import (
- terminal ""
-func GetTerminalHeight() int {
- height, err := terminal.Height()
- if err != nil {
- panic("Could not determine terminal height")
- }
- return int(height)
-func GetTerminalWidth() int {
- width, err := terminal.Width()
- if err != nil {
- panic("Could not determine terminal width")
- }
- return int(width)
-func GetSubmissionsToShow(screenHeight int, maxStories int) int {
- topBarHeight := 2
- footerHeight := 2
- adjustedHeight := screenHeight - topBarHeight - footerHeight
- return min(adjustedHeight/2, maxStories)
-func min(x, y int) int {
- if x > y {
- return y
- }
- return x
diff --git a/settings/core.go b/settings/core.go
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package settings
-type Config struct {
- CommentWidth int
- PlainHeadlines bool
- HighlightHeadlines bool
- HighlightComments bool
- RelativeNumbering bool
- EmojiSmileys bool
- MarkAsRead bool
- HideIndentSymbol bool
- IndentationSymbol string
- DebugMode bool
- EnableNerdFonts bool
-func New() *Config {
- return &Config{
- CommentWidth: 70,
- HighlightHeadlines: true,
- HighlightComments: true,
- RelativeNumbering: false,
- EmojiSmileys: true,
- MarkAsRead: true,
- HideIndentSymbol: false,
- IndentationSymbol: " ▎",
- }
diff --git a/syntax/syntax.go b/syntax/syntax.go
@@ -4,259 +4,10 @@ import (
- ""
- ""
- ""
-const (
- newParagraph = "\n\n"
- reset = "\033[0m"
- bold = "\033[1m"
- reverse = "\033[7m"
- italic = "\033[3m"
- magenta = "\033[35m"
- faint = "\033[2m"
- green = "\033[32m"
- red = "\033[31m"
- Unselected = iota
- HeadlineInCommentSection
- Selected
- MarkAsRead
- AddToFavorites
- RemoveFromFavorites
-func HighlightYCStartupsInHeadlines(comment string, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- var expression *regexp.Regexp
- if enableNerdFonts {
- expression = regexp.MustCompile(`\((YC ([SW]\d{2}))\)`)
- highlightedStartup := reset + getYCBarNerdFonts(``+unicode.NoBreakSpace+`$2`, highlightType, enableNerdFonts) +
- getHighlight(highlightType)
- return expression.ReplaceAllString(comment, highlightedStartup)
- }
- expression = regexp.MustCompile(`\((YC [SW]\d{2})\)`)
- highlightedStartup := reset + getYCBar(`$1`, highlightType, enableNerdFonts) +
- getHighlight(highlightType)
- return expression.ReplaceAllString(comment, highlightedStartup)
-func getYCBar(text string, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- switch highlightType {
- case Selected:
- return label(text, style.GetOrange(), lipgloss.Color("16"), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- case MarkAsRead:
- return label(text, lipgloss.Color("237"), style.GetOrangeFaint(), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- default:
- return label(text, lipgloss.Color("232"), style.GetOrange(), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- }
-func getYCBarNerdFonts(text string, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- switch highlightType {
- case Selected:
- return label(text, style.GetOrange(), lipgloss.Color("16"), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- case MarkAsRead:
- return label(text, lipgloss.Color("234"), style.GetOrangeFaint(), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- default:
- return label(text, lipgloss.Color("16"), style.GetOrange(), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- }
-func HighlightYear(comment string, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- expression := regexp.MustCompile(`\((\d{4})\)`)
- content := getYear(`$1`, highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- return expression.ReplaceAllString(comment, reset+content+getHighlight(highlightType))
-func getYear(text string, highlightType int, enableNerdFont bool) string {
- switch highlightType {
- case Selected:
- return label(text, lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "16", Dark: "16"}, lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "27", Dark: "214"}, highlightType, enableNerdFont)
- case MarkAsRead:
- return label(text, lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "39", Dark: "94"}, style.GetHeaderBg(), highlightType, enableNerdFont)
- default:
- return label(text, lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "27", Dark: "214"}, style.GetLogoBg(), highlightType, enableNerdFont)
- }
-func label(text string, fg lipgloss.TerminalColor, bg lipgloss.TerminalColor, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- content := lipgloss.NewStyle().
- Foreground(fg).
- Background(bg)
- border := lipgloss.NewStyle().
- Foreground(bg)
- if highlightType == Selected {
- border.
- Foreground(lipgloss.NoColor{}).
- Background(bg).
- Reverse(true)
- }
- if highlightType == MarkAsRead {
- content.Italic(true)
- }
- if highlightType == HeadlineInCommentSection {
- content.Bold(true)
- }
- return reset +
- getLeftBorder(bg, highlightType, enableNerdFonts) +
- content.Render(text) +
- getRightBorder(bg, highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
-func getLeftBorder(bg lipgloss.TerminalColor, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- if enableNerdFonts {
- borderStyle := getBorderStyle(bg, highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- return borderStyle.Render("")
- }
- borderStyle := getBorderStyle(bg, highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- return borderStyle.Render(" ")
-func getRightBorder(bg lipgloss.TerminalColor, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- if enableNerdFonts {
- borderStyle := getBorderStyle(bg, highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- return borderStyle.Render("")
- }
- borderStyle := getBorderStyle(bg, highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- return borderStyle.Render(" ")
-func getBorderStyle(bg lipgloss.TerminalColor, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) lipgloss.Style {
- if !enableNerdFonts {
- return lipgloss.NewStyle().
- Background(bg)
- }
- if highlightType == Selected {
- return lipgloss.NewStyle().
- Foreground(lipgloss.NoColor{}).
- Background(bg).
- Reverse(true)
- }
- return lipgloss.NewStyle().
- Foreground(bg)
-func HighlightHackerNewsHeadlines(title string, highlightType int) string {
- askHN := "Ask HN:"
- showHN := "Show HN:"
- tellHN := "Tell HN:"
- thankHN := "Thank HN:"
- launchHN := "Launch HN:"
- highlight := getHighlight(highlightType)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, askHN, aurora.Blue(askHN).String()+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, showHN, aurora.Red(showHN).String()+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, tellHN, aurora.Magenta(tellHN).String()+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, thankHN, aurora.Cyan(thankHN).String()+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, launchHN, aurora.Green(launchHN).String()+highlight)
- return title
-func getHighlight(highlightType int) string {
- switch highlightType {
- case HeadlineInCommentSection:
- return bold
- case Selected:
- return reverse
- case MarkAsRead:
- return faint + italic
- case AddToFavorites:
- return green + reverse
- case RemoveFromFavorites:
- return red + reverse
- default:
- return ""
- }
-func HighlightSpecialContent(title string, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- highlight := getHighlight(highlightType)
- if enableNerdFonts {
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[audio]", getSpecialContentRoundedBar("", highlightType, enableNerdFonts)+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[video]", getSpecialContentRoundedBar("", highlightType, enableNerdFonts)+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[pdf]", getSpecialContentRoundedBar("", highlightType, enableNerdFonts)+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[PDF]", getSpecialContentRoundedBar("", highlightType, enableNerdFonts)+highlight)
- return title
- }
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[audio]", aurora.Cyan("audio").String()+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[video]", aurora.Cyan("video").String()+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[pdf]", aurora.Cyan("pdf").String()+highlight)
- title = strings.ReplaceAll(title, "[PDF]", aurora.Cyan("PDF").String()+highlight)
- return title
-func getSpecialContentRoundedBar(text string, highlightType int, enableNerdFonts bool) string {
- switch highlightType {
- case Selected:
- return label(text, lipgloss.Color("4"), lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "255", Dark: "16"}, highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- case MarkAsRead:
- return label(text, style.GetUnselectedItemFg(), style.GetHeaderBg(), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- default:
- return label(text, lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "255", Dark: "16"}, lipgloss.Color("4"), highlightType, enableNerdFonts)
- }
-func ConvertSmileys(text string) string {
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:)`, "😊")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `(:`, "😊")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:-)`, "😊")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:D`, "😄")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `=)`, "😃")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `=D`, "😃")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `;)`, "😉")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `;-)`, "😉")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:P`, "😜")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `;P`, "😜")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:o`, "😮")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:O`, "😮")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:(`, "😔")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:-(`, "😔")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:/`, "😕")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:-/`, "😕")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `-_-`, "😑")
- text = replaceBetweenWhitespace(text, `:|`, "😐")
- return text
-func replaceBetweenWhitespace(text string, target string, replacement string) string {
- if text == target {
- return replacement
- }
- return strings.ReplaceAll(text, " "+target, " "+replacement)
+const reset = "\033[0m"
func RemoveUnwantedNewLines(text string) string {
exp := regexp.MustCompile(`([\w\W[:cntrl:]])(\n)([a-zA-Z0-9" \-<[:cntrl:]…])`)
@@ -264,86 +15,6 @@ func RemoveUnwantedNewLines(text string) string {
return exp.ReplaceAllString(text, `$1`+" "+`$3`)
-func RemoveUnwantedWhitespace(text string) string {
- singleSpace := " "
- doubleSpace := " "
- tripleSpace := " "
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, tripleSpace, singleSpace)
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, doubleSpace, singleSpace)
- return text
-func HighlightDomain(domain string) string {
- if domain == "" {
- return reset
- }
- return reset + aurora.Faint("("+domain+")").String()
-func HighlightReferences(input string) string {
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[0]", "["+aurora.White("0").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[1]", "["+aurora.Red("1").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[2]", "["+aurora.Yellow("2").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[3]", "["+aurora.Green("3").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[4]", "["+aurora.Blue("4").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[5]", "["+aurora.Cyan("5").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[6]", "["+aurora.Magenta("6").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[7]", "["+aurora.BrightWhite("7").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[8]", "["+aurora.BrightRed("8").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[9]", "["+aurora.BrightYellow("9").String()+"]")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "[10]", "["+aurora.BrightGreen("10").String()+"]")
- return input
-func ColorizeIndentSymbol(indentSymbol string, level int) string {
- switch level {
- case 0:
- indentSymbol = ""
- case 1:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Red(indentSymbol).String()
- case 2:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Yellow(indentSymbol).String()
- case 3:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Green(indentSymbol).String()
- case 4:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Cyan(indentSymbol).String()
- case 5:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Blue(indentSymbol).String()
- case 6:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Magenta(indentSymbol).String()
- case 7:
- indentSymbol = aurora.BrightRed(indentSymbol).String()
- case 8:
- indentSymbol = aurora.BrightYellow(indentSymbol).String()
- case 9:
- indentSymbol = aurora.BrightGreen(indentSymbol).String()
- case 10:
- indentSymbol = aurora.BrightCyan(indentSymbol).String()
- case 11:
- indentSymbol = aurora.BrightBlue(indentSymbol).String()
- case 12:
- indentSymbol = aurora.BrightMagenta(indentSymbol).String()
- case 13:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Red(indentSymbol).String()
- case 14:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Yellow(indentSymbol).String()
- case 15:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Green(indentSymbol).String()
- case 16:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Cyan(indentSymbol).String()
- case 17:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Blue(indentSymbol).String()
- case 18:
- indentSymbol = aurora.Magenta(indentSymbol).String()
- }
- return reset + indentSymbol
func TrimURLs(comment string, highlightComment bool) string {
expression := regexp.MustCompile(`<a href=".*?" rel="nofollow">`)
@@ -361,30 +32,6 @@ func TrimURLs(comment string, highlightComment bool) string {
return comment
-func HighlightBackticks(input string) string {
- backtick := "`"
- numberOfBackticks := strings.Count(input, backtick)
- numberOfBackticksIsOdd := numberOfBackticks%2 != 0
- if numberOfBackticks == 0 || numberOfBackticksIsOdd {
- return input
- }
- isOnFirstBacktick := true
- for i := 0; i < numberOfBackticks+1; i++ {
- if isOnFirstBacktick {
- input = strings.Replace(input, backtick, italic+magenta, 1)
- } else {
- input = strings.Replace(input, backtick, reset, 1)
- }
- isOnFirstBacktick = !isOnFirstBacktick
- }
- return input
func HighlightMentions(input string) string {
exp := regexp.MustCompile(`((?:^| )\B@[\w.]+)`)
input = exp.ReplaceAllString(input, aurora.Yellow(`$1`).String())
@@ -396,102 +43,3 @@ func HighlightMentions(input string) string {
return input
-func HighlightVariables(input string) string {
- // Highlighting variables inside commands marked with backticks
- // messes with the formatting. If there are both backticks and variables
- // in the comment, we give priority to the backticks.
- numberOfBackticks := strings.Count(input, "`")
- if numberOfBackticks > 0 {
- return input
- }
- exp := regexp.MustCompile(`(\$+[a-zA-Z_\-]+)`)
- return exp.ReplaceAllString(input, aurora.Cyan(`$1`).String())
-func HighlightAbbreviations(input string) string {
- iAmNotALawyer := "IANAL"
- iAmALawyer := "IAAL"
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, iAmNotALawyer, aurora.Red(iAmNotALawyer).String())
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, iAmALawyer, aurora.Green(iAmALawyer).String())
- return input
-func ReplaceCharacters(input string) string {
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "'", "'")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, ">", ">")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "<", "<")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "/", "/")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, """, `"`)
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, """, `"`)
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "&", "&")
- return input
-func ReplaceHTML(input string) string {
- input = strings.Replace(input, "<p>", "", 1)
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "<p>", newParagraph)
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "<i>", italic)
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "</i>", reset)
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "</a>", "")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "<pre><code>", "")
- input = strings.ReplaceAll(input, "</code></pre>", "")
- return input
-func ReplaceSymbols(paragraph string) string {
- paragraph = strings.ReplaceAll(paragraph, "...", "…")
- paragraph = strings.ReplaceAll(paragraph, "CO2", "CO₂")
- paragraph = replaceDoubleDashesWithEmDash(paragraph)
- paragraph = convertFractions(paragraph)
- return paragraph
-func replaceDoubleDashesWithEmDash(paragraph string) string {
- paragraph = strings.ReplaceAll(paragraph, " -- ", " — ")
- exp := regexp.MustCompile(`([a-zA-Z])--([a-zA-Z])`)
- return exp.ReplaceAllString(paragraph, `$1`+"—"+`$2`)
-func convertFractions(text string) string {
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 1/2", " ½")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 1/3", " ⅓")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 2/3", " ⅔")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 1/4", " ¼")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 3/4", " ¾")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 1/5", " ⅕")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 2/5", " ⅖")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 3/5", " ⅗")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 4/5", " ⅘")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 1/6", " ⅙")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, " 1/10", " ⅒ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/2 ", "½ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/3 ", "⅓ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "2/3 ", "⅔ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/4 ", "¼ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "3/4 ", "¾ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/5 ", "⅕ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "2/5 ", "⅖ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "3/5 ", "⅗ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "4/5 ", "⅘ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/6 ", "⅙ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/10 ", "⅒ ")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/5th", "⅕th")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/6th", "⅙th")
- text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "1/10th", "⅒ th")
- return text