
[RADIOACTIVE] rsa and symmetric key encryption scripts and executables
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      1 import os
      2 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
      3 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, padding
      4 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes
      5 from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
      6 from prompts import success
      9 def rsa_key(pub, priv, passkey):
     10     """Generate a private and public key to the provided filepaths.
     12     Keyword arguments:
     13     pub -- path to save the public key
     14     priv -- path to save the private key
     15     """
     16     private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(
     17         public_exponent=65537,
     18         key_size=4096,
     19         backend=default_backend()
     20     )
     21     public_key = private_key.public_key()
     22     private_key_text = private_key.private_bytes(
     23         encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM,
     24         format=serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8,
     25         encryption_algorithm=(
     26             serialization.BestAvailableEncryption(
     27                 bytes(passkey, "utf-8")
     28             ) if passkey != "" else serialization.NoEncryption()
     29         )
     30     )
     31     public_key_text = public_key.public_bytes(
     32         encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM,
     33         format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
     34     )
     35     with open(priv, "wb") as private_file, \
     36         open(pub, "wb") as public_file:
     37             private_file.write(private_key_text)
     38             public_file.write(public_key_text)
     41 def mixed_key(pub, priv, sym, passkey):
     42     """Generate a private, public, and symmetric key to the 
     43     provided filepaths.
     45     Keyword arguments:
     46     pub -- path to save the public key
     47     priv -- path to save the private key
     48     sym -- path to save the symmetric key
     49     """
     50     rsa_key(pub, priv, passkey)
     51     symmetric_key = Fernet.generate_key()
     52     with open(sym, "wb") as sym_file:
     53         sym_file.write(symmetric_key)
     56 def key_manager(target_files, save_folder, passkey):
     57     """Call either the `rsa_key` function or the `mixed_key`
     58     function, according to the needs of the target files.
     60     Keyword arguments:
     61     target_files -- a list of the files to be encrypted
     62     save_folder -- the directory to save the keys
     63     passkey -- the password to enhance the RSA encryption (OPTIONAL)
     64     """
     65     priv_src = save_folder + "/private_key.pem"
     66     pub_src = save_folder + "/public_key.pem"
     67     sym_src = save_folder + "/symmetric_key.key"
     68     rsa = True
     69     for fl in target_files:
     70         if os.path.getsize(fl) > 446:
     71             rsa = False
     72     if rsa:
     73         rsa_key(pub_src, priv_src, passkey)
     74     else:
     75         mixed_key(
     76             pub_src,
     77             priv_src,
     78             sym_src,
     79             passkey
     80         )
     82 def just_key_manager(mode, save_folder, passkey):
     83     """Call either the `rsa_key` function or the `mixed_key`
     84     function, according to passed mode.
     86     Keyword arguments:
     87     mode -- either 0 (RSA) or 1 (Mixed)
     88     save_folder -- the directory to save the keys
     89     passkey -- the password to enhance the RSA encryption (OPTIONAL)
     90     """
     91     rsa = True if mode == 0 else False
     92     pub_src = save_folder + "/public_key.pem"
     93     priv_src = save_folder + "/private_key.pem"
     94     sym_src = save_folder + "/symmetric_key.key"
     95     if rsa:
     96         rsa_key(pub_src, priv_src, passkey)
     97     else:
     98         mixed_key(pub_src, priv_src, sym_src, passkey)
     99     success("key")