
[RADIOACTIVE] rsa and symmetric key encryption scripts and executables
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      1 import os
      2 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
      3 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
      4 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
      5 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
      6 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
      7 from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
      8 from prompts import success
     11 def RSA(target_file, public_key_source):
     12     """Encrypts the passed file with the passed RSA public key
     14     Keyword arguments:
     15     target_file -- the filepath to the file to be encrypted
     16     public_key_source -- the filepath to the public key
     17     """
     18     with open(public_key_source, "rb") as public_key_file:
     19             public_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(
     20       ,
     21                 backend=default_backend()
     22             )
     23     try:
     24         with open(target_file) as read_file:
     25             file_data =
     26         file_data = bytes(file_data, "utf-8")
     27     except UnicodeDecodeError:
     28         with open(target_file, "rb") as read_file:
     29             file_data =
     30     data = public_key.encrypt(
     31         file_data,
     32         padding.OAEP(
     33             mgf=padding.MGF1(algorithm=hashes.SHA256()),
     34             algorithm=hashes.SHA256(),
     35             label=None
     36         )
     37     )
     38     data += b"0"
     39     with open(target_file, "wb") as write_file:
     40         write_file.write(data)
     43 def Symmetric(target_file, symmetric_key_source):
     44     """Encrypts the passed file with the passed symmetric key
     46     Keyword arguments:
     47     target_file -- the filepath to the file to be encrypted
     48     symmetric_key_source -- the filepath to the symmetric key
     49     """
     50     with open(symmetric_key_source, "rb") as symmetric_key_file:
     51         symmetric_key_data =
     52     symmetric_key = Fernet(symmetric_key_data)
     53     try:
     54         with open(target_file) as read_file:
     55             file_data =
     56         file_data = bytes(file_data, "utf-8")
     57     except UnicodeDecodeError:
     58         with open(target_file, "rb") as read_file:
     59             file_data =
     60     data = symmetric_key.encrypt(file_data)
     61     data += b"1"
     62     with open(target_file, "wb") as write_file:
     63         write_file.write(data)
     65 def enc_manager(target_files, save_folder):
     66     """Encrypt all files passed to the function with the symmetric key,
     67     and then replace the symmetric key file's contents with an encrypted
     68     version, encrypted with the public key.
     70     Keyword arguments:
     71     target_file_raw -- a string composed of file locations seperated by colons
     72     save_folder -- the location of the saved key trio
     73     """
     74     pub_src = save_folder + "/public_key.pem"
     75     sym_src = save_folder + "/symmetric_key.key"
     76     if not os.path.exists(sym_src):
     77         for fl in target_files:
     78             RSA(fl, pub_src)
     79     else:
     80         for fl in target_files:
     81             if os.path.getsize(fl) > 446:
     82                 Symmetric(fl, sym_src)
     83             else:
     84                 RSA(fl, pub_src)
     85         with open(pub_src, "rb") as pub_file, \
     86             open(sym_src, "rb") as sym_file:
     87                 public_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(
     88           ,
     89                     backend=default_backend()
     90                 )
     91                 symmetric_key_data =
     92         encrypted_key = public_key.encrypt(
     93             symmetric_key_data,
     94             padding.OAEP(
     95                 mgf = padding.MGF1(algorithm = hashes.SHA256()),
     96                 algorithm = hashes.SHA256(),
     97                 label = None
     98                 )
     99             )
    100         with open(sym_src, "wb") as crypto_key_file:
    101             crypto_key_file.write(encrypted_key)
    102     success("enc")