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sizegrip.tcl (2406B)

      1 #
      2 # Sizegrip widget bindings.
      3 #
      4 # Dragging a sizegrip widget resizes the containing toplevel.
      5 #
      6 # NOTE: the sizegrip widget must be in the lower right hand corner.
      7 #
      9 switch -- [tk windowingsystem] {
     10     x11 -
     11     win32 {
     12 	option add *TSizegrip.cursor [ttk::cursor seresize] widgetDefault
     13     }
     14     aqua {
     15     	# Aqua sizegrips use default Arrow cursor.
     16     }
     17 }
     19 namespace eval ttk::sizegrip {
     20     variable State
     21     array set State {
     22 	pressed 	0
     23 	pressX 		0
     24 	pressY 		0
     25 	width 		0
     26 	height 		0
     27 	widthInc	1
     28 	heightInc	1
     29         resizeX         1
     30         resizeY         1
     31 	toplevel 	{}
     32     }
     33 }
     35 bind TSizegrip <ButtonPress-1> 		{ ttk::sizegrip::Press	%W %X %Y }
     36 bind TSizegrip <B1-Motion> 		{ ttk::sizegrip::Drag 	%W %X %Y }
     37 bind TSizegrip <ButtonRelease-1> 	{ ttk::sizegrip::Release %W %X %Y }
     39 proc ttk::sizegrip::Press {W X Y} {
     40     variable State
     42     if {[$W instate disabled]} { return }
     44     set top [winfo toplevel $W]
     46     # If the toplevel is not resizable then bail
     47     foreach {State(resizeX) State(resizeY)} [wm resizable $top] break
     48     if {!$State(resizeX) && !$State(resizeY)} {
     49         return
     50     }
     52     # Sanity-checks:
     53     #	If a negative X or Y position was specified for [wm geometry],
     54     #   just bail out -- there's no way to handle this cleanly.
     55     #
     56     if {[scan [wm geometry $top] "%dx%d+%d+%d" width height x y] != 4} {
     57 	return;
     58     }
     60     # Account for gridded geometry:
     61     #
     62     set grid [wm grid $top]
     63     if {[llength $grid]} {
     64 	set State(widthInc) [lindex $grid 2]
     65 	set State(heightInc) [lindex $grid 3]
     66     } else {
     67 	set State(widthInc) [set State(heightInc) 1]
     68     }
     70     set State(toplevel) $top
     71     set State(pressX) $X
     72     set State(pressY) $Y
     73     set State(width)  $width
     74     set State(height) $height
     75     set State(x)      $x
     76     set State(y)      $y
     77     set State(pressed) 1
     78 }
     80 proc ttk::sizegrip::Drag {W X Y} {
     81     variable State
     82     if {!$State(pressed)} { return }
     83     set w $State(width)
     84     set h $State(height)
     85     if {$State(resizeX)} {
     86         set w [expr {$w + ($X - $State(pressX))/$State(widthInc)}]
     87     }
     88     if {$State(resizeY)} {
     89         set h [expr {$h + ($Y - $State(pressY))/$State(heightInc)}]
     90     }
     91     if {$w <= 0} { set w 1 }
     92     if {$h <= 0} { set h 1 }
     93     set x $State(x) ; set y $State(y)
     94     wm geometry $State(toplevel) ${w}x${h}+${x}+${y}
     95 }
     97 proc ttk::sizegrip::Release {W X Y} {
     98     variable State
     99     set State(pressed) 0
    100 }
    102 #*EOF*