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spinbox.tcl (4255B)

      1 #
      2 # ttk::spinbox bindings
      3 #
      5 namespace eval ttk::spinbox { }
      7 ### Spinbox bindings.
      8 #
      9 # Duplicate the Entry bindings, override if needed:
     10 #
     12 ttk::copyBindings TEntry TSpinbox
     14 bind TSpinbox <Motion>			{ ttk::spinbox::Motion %W %x %y }
     15 bind TSpinbox <ButtonPress-1> 		{ ttk::spinbox::Press %W %x %y }
     16 bind TSpinbox <ButtonRelease-1> 	{ ttk::spinbox::Release %W }
     17 bind TSpinbox <Double-Button-1> 	{ ttk::spinbox::DoubleClick %W %x %y }
     18 bind TSpinbox <Triple-Button-1> 	{} ;# disable TEntry triple-click
     20 bind TSpinbox <KeyPress-Up>		{ event generate %W <<Increment>> }
     21 bind TSpinbox <KeyPress-Down> 		{ event generate %W <<Decrement>> }
     23 bind TSpinbox <<Increment>>		{ ttk::spinbox::Spin %W +1 }
     24 bind TSpinbox <<Decrement>> 		{ ttk::spinbox::Spin %W -1 }
     26 ttk::bindMouseWheel TSpinbox 		[list ttk::spinbox::MouseWheel %W]
     28 ## Motion --
     29 #	Sets cursor.
     30 #
     31 proc ttk::spinbox::Motion {w x y} {
     32     if {   [$w identify $x $y] eq "textarea"
     33         && [$w instate {!readonly !disabled}]
     34     } {
     35 	ttk::setCursor $w text
     36     } else {
     37 	ttk::setCursor $w ""
     38     }
     39 }
     41 ## Press --
     42 #
     43 proc ttk::spinbox::Press {w x y} {
     44     if {[$w instate disabled]} { return }
     45     focus $w
     46     switch -glob -- [$w identify $x $y] {
     47         *textarea	{ ttk::entry::Press $w $x }
     48 	*rightarrow	-
     49         *uparrow 	{ ttk::Repeatedly event generate $w <<Increment>> }
     50 	*leftarrow	-
     51         *downarrow	{ ttk::Repeatedly event generate $w <<Decrement>> }
     52 	*spinbutton {
     53 	    if {$y * 2 >= [winfo height $w]} {
     54 	    	set event <<Decrement>>
     55 	    } else {
     56 	    	set event <<Increment>>
     57 	    }
     58 	    ttk::Repeatedly event generate $w $event
     59 	}
     60     }
     61 }
     63 ## DoubleClick --
     64 #	Select all if over the text area; otherwise same as Press.
     65 #
     66 proc ttk::spinbox::DoubleClick {w x y} {
     67     if {[$w instate disabled]} { return }
     69     switch -glob -- [$w identify $x $y] {
     70         *textarea	{ SelectAll $w }
     71 	*		{ Press $w $x $y }
     72     }
     73 }
     75 proc ttk::spinbox::Release {w} {
     76     ttk::CancelRepeat
     77 }
     79 ## MouseWheel --
     80 #	Mousewheel callback.  Turn these into <<Increment>> (-1, up)
     81 # 	or <<Decrement> (+1, down) events.
     82 #
     83 proc ttk::spinbox::MouseWheel {w dir} {
     84     if {$dir < 0} {
     85 	event generate $w <<Increment>>
     86     } else {
     87 	event generate $w <<Decrement>>
     88     }
     89 }
     91 ## SelectAll --
     92 #	Select widget contents.
     93 #
     94 proc ttk::spinbox::SelectAll {w} {
     95     $w selection range 0 end
     96     $w icursor end
     97 }
     99 ## Limit --
    100 #	Limit $v to lie between $min and $max
    101 #
    102 proc ttk::spinbox::Limit {v min max} {
    103     if {$v < $min} { return $min }
    104     if {$v > $max} { return $max }
    105     return $v
    106 }
    108 ## Wrap --
    109 #	Adjust $v to lie between $min and $max, wrapping if out of bounds.
    110 #
    111 proc ttk::spinbox::Wrap {v min max} {
    112     if {$v < $min} { return $max }
    113     if {$v > $max} { return $min }
    114     return $v
    115 }
    117 ## Adjust --
    118 #	Limit or wrap spinbox value depending on -wrap.
    119 #
    120 proc ttk::spinbox::Adjust {w v min max} {
    121     if {[$w cget -wrap]} {
    122 	return [Wrap $v $min $max]
    123     } else  {
    124 	return [Limit $v $min $max]
    125     }
    126 }
    128 ## Spin --
    129 #	Handle <<Increment>> and <<Decrement>> events.
    130 #	If -values is specified, cycle through the list.
    131 #	Otherwise cycle through numeric range based on
    132 #	-from, -to, and -increment.
    133 #
    134 proc ttk::spinbox::Spin {w dir} {
    135     set nvalues [llength [set values [$w cget -values]]]
    136     set value [$w get]
    137     if {$nvalues} {
    138 	set current [lsearch -exact $values $value]
    139 	set index [Adjust $w [expr {$current + $dir}] 0 [expr {$nvalues - 1}]]
    140 	$w set [lindex $values $index]
    141     } else {
    142         if {[catch {
    143     	    set v [expr {[scan [$w get] %f] + $dir * [$w cget -increment]}]
    144 	}]} {
    145 	    set v [$w cget -from]
    146 	}
    147 	$w set [FormatValue $w [Adjust $w $v [$w cget -from] [$w cget -to]]]
    148     }
    149     SelectAll $w
    150     uplevel #0 [$w cget -command]
    151 }
    153 ## FormatValue --
    154 #	Reformat numeric value based on -format.
    155 #
    156 proc ttk::spinbox::FormatValue {w val} {
    157     set fmt [$w cget -format]
    158     if {$fmt eq ""} {
    159 	# Try to guess a suitable -format based on -increment.
    160 	set delta [expr {abs([$w cget -increment])}]
    161         if {0 < $delta && $delta < 1} {
    162 	    # NB: This guesses wrong if -increment has more than 1
    163 	    # significant digit itself, e.g., -increment 0.25
    164 	    set nsd [expr {int(ceil(-log10($delta)))}]
    165 	    set fmt "%.${nsd}f"
    166 	} else {
    167 	    set fmt "%.0f"
    168 	}
    169     }
    170     return [format $fmt $val]
    171 }
    173 #*EOF*