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clamTheme.tcl (4599B)

      1 #
      2 # "Clam" theme.
      3 #
      4 # Inspired by the XFCE family of Gnome themes.
      5 #
      7 namespace eval ttk::theme::clam {
      8     variable colors 
      9     array set colors {
     10 	-disabledfg		"#999999"
     11 	-frame  		"#dcdad5"
     12 	-window  		"#ffffff"
     13 	-dark			"#cfcdc8"
     14 	-darker 		"#bab5ab"
     15 	-darkest		"#9e9a91"
     16 	-lighter		"#eeebe7"
     17 	-lightest 		"#ffffff"
     18 	-selectbg		"#4a6984"
     19 	-selectfg		"#ffffff"
     20 	-altindicator		"#5895bc"
     21 	-disabledaltindicator	"#a0a0a0"
     22     }
     24     ttk::style theme settings clam {
     26 	ttk::style configure "." \
     27 	    -background $colors(-frame) \
     28 	    -foreground black \
     29 	    -bordercolor $colors(-darkest) \
     30 	    -darkcolor $colors(-dark) \
     31 	    -lightcolor $colors(-lighter) \
     32 	    -troughcolor $colors(-darker) \
     33 	    -selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
     34 	    -selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
     35 	    -selectborderwidth 0 \
     36 	    -font TkDefaultFont \
     37 	    ;
     39 	ttk::style map "." \
     40 	    -background [list disabled $colors(-frame) \
     41 			     active $colors(-lighter)] \
     42 	    -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)] \
     43 	    -selectbackground [list  !focus $colors(-darkest)] \
     44 	    -selectforeground [list  !focus white] \
     45 	    ;
     46 	# -selectbackground [list  !focus "#847d73"]
     48 	ttk::style configure TButton \
     49 	    -anchor center -width -11 -padding 5 -relief raised
     50 	ttk::style map TButton \
     51 	    -background [list \
     52 			     disabled $colors(-frame) \
     53 			     pressed $colors(-darker) \
     54 			     active $colors(-lighter)] \
     55 	    -lightcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \
     56 	    -darkcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \
     57 	    -bordercolor [list alternate "#000000"] \
     58 	    ;
     60 	ttk::style configure Toolbutton \
     61 	    -anchor center -padding 2 -relief flat
     62 	ttk::style map Toolbutton \
     63 	    -relief [list \
     64 		    disabled flat \
     65 		    selected sunken \
     66 		    pressed sunken \
     67 		    active raised] \
     68 	    -background [list \
     69 		    disabled $colors(-frame) \
     70 		    pressed $colors(-darker) \
     71 		    active $colors(-lighter)] \
     72 	    -lightcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \
     73 	    -darkcolor [list pressed $colors(-darker)] \
     74 	    ;
     76 	ttk::style configure TCheckbutton \
     77 	    -indicatorbackground "#ffffff" \
     78 	    -indicatormargin {1 1 4 1} \
     79 	    -padding 2 ;
     80 	ttk::style configure TRadiobutton \
     81 	    -indicatorbackground "#ffffff" \
     82 	    -indicatormargin {1 1 4 1} \
     83 	    -padding 2 ;
     84 	ttk::style map TCheckbutton -indicatorbackground \
     85 	    [list  pressed $colors(-frame) \
     86 			{!disabled alternate} $colors(-altindicator) \
     87 			{disabled alternate} $colors(-disabledaltindicator) \
     88 			disabled $colors(-frame)]
     89 	ttk::style map TRadiobutton -indicatorbackground \
     90 	    [list  pressed $colors(-frame) \
     91 			{!disabled alternate} $colors(-altindicator) \
     92 			{disabled alternate} $colors(-disabledaltindicator) \
     93 			disabled $colors(-frame)]
     95 	ttk::style configure TMenubutton \
     96 	    -width -11 -padding 5 -relief raised
     98 	ttk::style configure TEntry -padding 1 -insertwidth 1
     99 	ttk::style map TEntry \
    100 	    -background [list  readonly $colors(-frame)] \
    101 	    -bordercolor [list  focus $colors(-selectbg)] \
    102 	    -lightcolor [list  focus "#6f9dc6"] \
    103 	    -darkcolor [list  focus "#6f9dc6"] \
    104 	    ;
    106 	ttk::style configure TCombobox -padding 1 -insertwidth 1
    107 	ttk::style map TCombobox \
    108 	    -background [list active $colors(-lighter) \
    109 			     pressed $colors(-lighter)] \
    110 	    -fieldbackground [list {readonly focus} $colors(-selectbg) \
    111 				  readonly $colors(-frame)] \
    112 	    -foreground [list {readonly focus} $colors(-selectfg)] \
    113 	    -arrowcolor [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]
    114 	ttk::style configure ComboboxPopdownFrame \
    115 	    -relief solid -borderwidth 1
    117 	ttk::style configure TSpinbox -arrowsize 10 -padding {2 0 10 0}
    118 	ttk::style map TSpinbox \
    119 	    -background [list  readonly $colors(-frame)] \
    120             -arrowcolor [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]
    122 	ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -padding {6 2 6 2}
    123 	ttk::style map TNotebook.Tab \
    124 	    -padding [list selected {6 4 6 2}] \
    125 	    -background [list selected $colors(-frame) {} $colors(-darker)] \
    126 	    -lightcolor [list selected $colors(-lighter) {} $colors(-dark)] \
    127 	    ;
    129 	# Treeview:
    130 	ttk::style configure Heading \
    131 	    -font TkHeadingFont -relief raised -padding {3}
    132 	ttk::style configure Treeview -background $colors(-window)
    133 	ttk::style map Treeview \
    134 	    -background [list selected $colors(-selectbg)] \
    135 	    -foreground [list selected $colors(-selectfg)] ;
    137     	ttk::style configure TLabelframe \
    138 	    -labeloutside true -labelmargins {0 0 0 4} \
    139 	    -borderwidth 2 -relief raised
    141 	ttk::style configure TProgressbar -background $colors(-frame)
    143 	ttk::style configure Sash -sashthickness 6 -gripcount 10
    144     }
    145 }