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safetk.tcl (7381B)

      1 # safetk.tcl --
      2 #
      3 # Support procs to use Tk in safe interpreters.
      4 #
      5 # Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
      6 #
      7 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
      8 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
     10 # see safetk.n for documentation
     12 #
     13 #
     14 # Note: It is now ok to let untrusted code being executed
     15 #       between the creation of the interp and the actual loading
     16 #       of Tk in that interp because the C side Tk_Init will
     17 #       now look up the master interp and ask its safe::TkInit
     18 #       for the actual parameters to use for it's initialization (if allowed),
     19 #       not relying on the slave state.
     20 #
     22 # We use opt (optional arguments parsing)
     23 package require opt 0.4.1;
     25 namespace eval ::safe {
     27     # counter for safe toplevels
     28     variable tkSafeId 0
     29 }
     31 #
     32 # tkInterpInit : prepare the slave interpreter for tk loading
     33 #                most of the real job is done by loadTk
     34 # returns the slave name (tkInterpInit does)
     35 #
     36 proc ::safe::tkInterpInit {slave argv} {
     37     global env tk_library
     39     # We have to make sure that the tk_library variable is normalized.
     40     set tk_library [file normalize $tk_library]
     42     # Clear Tk's access for that interp (path).
     43     allowTk $slave $argv
     45     # Ensure tk_library and subdirs (eg, ttk) are on the access path
     46     ::interp eval $slave [list set tk_library [::safe::interpAddToAccessPath $slave $tk_library]]
     47     foreach subdir [::safe::AddSubDirs [list $tk_library]] {
     48 	::safe::interpAddToAccessPath $slave $subdir
     49     }
     50     return $slave
     51 }
     54 # tkInterpLoadTk:
     55 # Do additional configuration as needed (calling tkInterpInit)
     56 # and actually load Tk into the slave.
     57 #
     58 # Either contained in the specified windowId (-use) or
     59 # creating a decorated toplevel for it.
     61 # empty definition for auto_mkIndex
     62 proc ::safe::loadTk {} {}
     64 ::tcl::OptProc ::safe::loadTk {
     65     {slave -interp "name of the slave interpreter"}
     66     {-use  -windowId {} "window Id to use (new toplevel otherwise)"}
     67     {-display -displayName {} "display name to use (current one otherwise)"}
     68 } {
     69     set displayGiven [::tcl::OptProcArgGiven "-display"]
     70     if {!$displayGiven} {
     71 	# Try to get the current display from "."
     72 	# (which might not exist if the master is tk-less)
     73 	if {[catch {set display [winfo screen .]}]} {
     74 	    if {[info exists ::env(DISPLAY)]} {
     75 		set display $::env(DISPLAY)
     76 	    } else {
     77 		Log $slave "no winfo screen . nor env(DISPLAY)" WARNING
     78 		set display ":0.0"
     79 	    }
     80 	}
     81     }
     83     # Get state for access to the cleanupHook.
     84     namespace upvar ::safe S$slave state
     86     if {![::tcl::OptProcArgGiven "-use"]} {
     87 	# create a decorated toplevel
     88 	lassign [tkTopLevel $slave $display] w use
     90 	# set our delete hook (slave arg is added by interpDelete)
     91 	# to clean up both window related code and tkInit(slave)
     92 	set state(cleanupHook) [list tkDelete {} $w]
     93     } else {
     94 	# set our delete hook (slave arg is added by interpDelete)
     95 	# to clean up tkInit(slave)
     96 	set state(cleanupHook) [list disallowTk]
     98 	# Let's be nice and also accept tk window names instead of ids
     99 	if {[string match ".*" $use]} {
    100 	    set windowName $use
    101 	    set use [winfo id $windowName]
    102 	    set nDisplay [winfo screen $windowName]
    103 	} else {
    104 	    # Check for a better -display value
    105 	    # (works only for multi screens on single host, but not
    106 	    #  cross hosts, for that a tk window name would be better
    107 	    #  but embeding is also usefull for non tk names)
    108 	    if {![catch {winfo pathname $use} name]} {
    109 		set nDisplay [winfo screen $name]
    110 	    } else {
    111 		# Can't have a better one
    112 		set nDisplay $display
    113 	    }
    114 	}
    115 	if {$nDisplay ne $display} {
    116 	    if {$displayGiven} {
    117 		return -code error -errorcode {TK DISPLAY SAFE} \
    118 		    "conflicting -display $display and -use $use -> $nDisplay"
    119 	    } else {
    120 		set display $nDisplay
    121 	    }
    122 	}
    123     }
    125     # Prepares the slave for tk with those parameters
    126     tkInterpInit $slave [list "-use" $use "-display" $display]
    128     load {} Tk $slave
    130     return $slave
    131 }
    133 proc ::safe::TkInit {interpPath} {
    134     variable tkInit
    135     if {[info exists tkInit($interpPath)]} {
    136 	set value $tkInit($interpPath)
    137 	Log $interpPath "TkInit called, returning \"$value\"" NOTICE
    138 	return $value
    139     } else {
    140 	Log $interpPath "TkInit called for interp with clearance:\
    141 		preventing Tk init" ERROR
    142 	return -code error -errorcode {TK SAFE PERMISSION} "not allowed"
    143     }
    144 }
    146 # safe::allowTk --
    147 #
    148 #	Set tkInit(interpPath) to allow Tk to be initialized in
    149 #	safe::TkInit.
    150 #
    151 # Arguments:
    152 #	interpPath	slave interpreter handle
    153 #	argv		arguments passed to safe::TkInterpInit
    154 #
    155 # Results:
    156 #	none.
    158 proc ::safe::allowTk {interpPath argv} {
    159     variable tkInit
    160     set tkInit($interpPath) $argv
    161     return
    162 }
    165 # safe::disallowTk --
    166 #
    167 #	Unset tkInit(interpPath) to disallow Tk from getting initialized
    168 #	in safe::TkInit.
    169 #
    170 # Arguments:
    171 #	interpPath	slave interpreter handle
    172 #
    173 # Results:
    174 #	none.
    176 proc ::safe::disallowTk {interpPath} {
    177     variable tkInit
    178     # This can already be deleted by the DeleteHook of the interp
    179     if {[info exists tkInit($interpPath)]} {
    180 	unset tkInit($interpPath)
    181     }
    182     return
    183 }
    186 # safe::tkDelete --
    187 #
    188 #	Clean up the window associated with the interp being deleted.
    189 #
    190 # Arguments:
    191 #	interpPath	slave interpreter handle
    192 #
    193 # Results:
    194 #	none.
    196 proc ::safe::tkDelete {W window slave} {
    198     # we are going to be called for each widget... skip untill it's
    199     # top level
    201     Log $slave "Called tkDelete $W $window" NOTICE
    202     if {[::interp exists $slave]} {
    203 	if {[catch {::safe::interpDelete $slave} msg]} {
    204 	    Log $slave "Deletion error : $msg"
    205 	}
    206     }
    207     if {[winfo exists $window]} {
    208 	Log $slave "Destroy toplevel $window" NOTICE
    209 	destroy $window
    210     }
    212     # clean up tkInit(slave)
    213     disallowTk $slave
    214     return
    215 }
    217 proc ::safe::tkTopLevel {slave display} {
    218     variable tkSafeId
    219     incr tkSafeId
    220     set w ".safe$tkSafeId"
    221     if {[catch {toplevel $w -screen $display -class SafeTk} msg]} {
    222 	return -code error -errorcode {TK TOPLEVEL SAFE} \
    223 	    "Unable to create toplevel for safe slave \"$slave\" ($msg)"
    224     }
    225     Log $slave "New toplevel $w" NOTICE
    227     set msg "Untrusted Tcl applet ($slave)"
    228     wm title $w $msg
    230     # Control frame (we must create a style for it)
    231     ttk::style layout TWarningFrame {WarningFrame.border -sticky nswe}
    232     ttk::style configure TWarningFrame -background red
    234     set wc $w.fc
    235     ttk::frame $wc -relief ridge -borderwidth 4 -style TWarningFrame
    237     # We will destroy the interp when the window is destroyed
    238     bindtags $wc [concat Safe$wc [bindtags $wc]]
    239     bind Safe$wc <Destroy> [list ::safe::tkDelete %W $w $slave]
    241     ttk::label $wc.l -text $msg -anchor w
    243     # We want the button to be the last visible item
    244     # (so be packed first) and at the right and not resizing horizontally
    246     # frame the button so it does not expand horizontally
    247     # but still have the default background instead of red one from the parent
    248     ttk::frame  $wc.fb -borderwidth 0
    249     ttk::button $wc.fb.b -text "Delete" \
    250 	    -command [list ::safe::tkDelete $w $w $slave]
    251     pack $wc.fb.b -side right -fill both
    252     pack $wc.fb -side right -fill both -expand 1
    253     pack $wc.l -side left -fill both -expand 1 -ipady 2
    254     pack $wc -side bottom -fill x
    256     # Container frame
    257     frame $w.c -container 1
    258     pack $w.c -fill both -expand 1
    260     # return both the toplevel window name and the id to use for embedding
    261     list $w [winfo id $w.c]
    262 }