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rich-content.md (2689B)

      1 +++
      2 title = "Rich Content"
      3 description = "A brief description of Hugo Shortcodes"
      4 date = 2020-08-26
      5 +++
      7 d3c3nt ships with several custom shortcodes to augment CommonMark, in
      8 addition to those [already provided by Zola][built-in]. `video`,
      9 `image`, `gif`, and `audio` were created to help you take advantage of
     10 modern HTML elements in your writing.
     12 <!-- more -->
     14 ## Video
     16 The `video` shortcode takes a `sources` parameter (an array of strings)
     17 and returns a `<video>` tag. Each string in the `sources` array should
     18 be a path to a video file of a different type (`webm`, `mp4`, etc). Each
     19 individual source is then converted into a `<source>` tag, and the
     20 element is returned.
     22 ### Usage
     23 ```rs
     24 {{/* video(sources=["example.webm", "example.mp4"]) */}}
     25 ```
     26 ### Output
     27 ```html
     28 {{ video(sources=["example.webm", "example.mp4"]) }}
     29 ```
     31 ## Image
     33 The `image` shortcode returns a `<picture>` tag and accepts three
     34 parameters: `sources` (an array of strings), `fallback_path`, and
     35 `fallback_alt` (both strings).
     37 Each string in the `sources` array should be a path to an image file of
     38 a different type (`webp`, `png`, `jpg`, etc). `fallback_path` and
     39 `fallback_alt` are used to create an `<img>` tag for the browser to fall
     40 back on if the other formats aren't yet supported.
     42 ### Usage
     43 ```rs
     44 {{/* image(sources=["example.webp", "example.jpg", "example.png"], fallback_path="example.png", fallback_alt="Lorem Ipsum") */}}
     45 ```
     46 ### Output
     47 ```html
     48 {{ image(sources=["example.webp", "example.jpg", "example.png"], fallback_path="example.png", fallback_alt="Lorem Ipsum") }}
     49 ```
     51 ## GIF
     53 The `gif` shortcode is exactly the same as the [video shortcode][video]
     54 – it takes an array of strings called `sources` and returns a
     55 `<video>` tag. The only difference is in the outermost tag, which has
     56 four additional properties: `autoplay`, `loop`, `muted`, `playsinline`.
     58 Using the `<video>` tag in place of gifs allows for reduced file sizes,
     59 which is especially important in regions where internet is slower or
     60 less reliable.
     62 ### Usage
     63 ```rs
     64 {{/* gif(sources=["example.webm", "example.mp4"]) */}}
     65 ```
     66 ### Output
     67 ```html
     68 {{ gif(sources=["example.webm", "example.mp4"]) }}
     69 ```
     71 ## Audio
     73 The `audio` shortcode takes a `sources` array of strings and returns an
     74 `<audio>` tag. Each string in the `sources` array should be a path to an
     75 audio file of a different type (`wav`, `ogg`, `mp3`, etc).
     77 ### Usage
     78 ```rs
     79 {{/* audio(sources=["example.wav", "example.ogg", "example.mp3"]) */}}
     80 ```
     81 ### Output
     82 ```html
     83 {{ audio(sources=["example.wav", "example.ogg", "example.mp3"]) }}
     84 ```
     86 [built-in]: https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/shortcodes/#built-in-shortcodes
     87 [video]: @/posts/rich-content.md#video